Custom-sa BIOGRAPHY | sazan-malko
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Short & Simple Title

 Sazan Malko:

born on February 12, 1964, in Albania.

 Studied painting 
at the College of Art "P. Jakova", Shkoder

(1979-83) and the

Academy of Fine Arts, Tirana, (1990-93)

 From 1993 moved to Greece, 

on the island of Crete
The seasonal work  as a street portraitist

gave him the comfort to survive,

the luxury to move to different places,

and the time to discover and  contemplate

the worldwide civilization,

from the ancient times

till the latest contemporary trends.

 In the last 25 years, taking advantage of the qualities of the Mediterranean island of Crete, he dedicated the free wintertime,

on creating thousands of artworks,

on various genres and techniques as drawing, pastel, painting, manual and digital photography, graphics, etc. 
 in search of
his own style

and the perfection of the visual language.

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